The Journey of Africa

I found that moment and here is my leap of FAITH.....

Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

I love spending time with people seeing and understanding God through so many of their lives.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Would You Notice????

I was listening to a sermon by Dr. Andrew Clark during our church service last thursday and he posed a very simple question at the beginning of the sermon. He asked....

If God was to remove His presence from your life for one week would you notice?

This question has really challenged me for the last few days, and made me think about the time that I am spending or sometimes not spending with God. I began thinking about how often I remove my presence from God and try to do life without Him. Anyways just something to ponder while you are driving to work or riding the "L". If this question sparks anything for you I would love to hear your thoughts.

I Miss you guys!



Blogger Kevin Aja Fryatt said...

That Thursday night was my first one on the ship and that question got me seriously thinking and made me realize how far I am from where I, or where God, would like me to be in my relationship with God. Its a very sobering thought.

At our Bible study tonight (Tuesday night) we were talking about how we're all here in Liberia putting aside our "lives" back home to do what we believe God is calling us to do and yet we're often so consumed by the day-in/day-out grind that we seem so distant from God on a spititual level...

Any thoughts?

March 14, 2006 2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Seren- I love the journey that God is taking you on! Look for His presence in each day, in each pair of eyes you meet, in each conversation you have, in each meal you eat, in each tree and rock and starlit night...the very fabric of our universe is God-drenched.

People are praying for you half a world away-
Rest in Daddy's arms.

March 15, 2006 6:46 PM  

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