The Journey of Africa

I found that moment and here is my leap of FAITH.....

Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

I love spending time with people seeing and understanding God through so many of their lives.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

"Food for thought" from my class work

So I thought I would share very briefly about what I am learning in my classes. Everyday for 3 hours we listen to speakers, on different subjects. Our first speaker Don Price spoke about "The Father Heart of God" which I had never heard phrased that way, but here are few ideas to think about....

What is true freedom??
-The ability to do that whay you know is right. An integration of your inner life with your outer life.

A Definition for Humility- A willingness to be known for who you really are. A yielded will. "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble." James 4:6, 1 Peter 5:5, and Proverbs 3:34.

Here is a basic concept that really hit home with me....
That God sees us as being just as valuable as Jesus.

Finally I will leave you with a quote that our speaker gave us:
"Listening is so close to loving that it's hard to tell the difference." -David Ausburg

I know this seems like very random thoughts, but these are definetly some ideas that have stuck out in my mind. I thought they might mean something to some of you, and if not, know that they mean something to me.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like it is a great experience. If I was only 30 years younger. Be safe and have fun. Love your Aunt Holly.

February 08, 2006 3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seren- my heart wells up with all kids of feelings when I read of your adventures. The experiences you're having are incredible! Pro soccer teams / church fainting / 2 min showers / playing with sick African children, in Africa no less! These are the experiences that one has when they're ALIVE. What's the quote: We're never more truly alive than when we're recklessly trusting/following God? Your living inspires me and rekindles my life. I'm praying for you, and you're prayed for by dozens who love you. Further up and further in!

February 15, 2006 9:17 AM  

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