First Trip Unsuccessful
On Sunday, 2 days after I arrived in Africa, I finally met some friends (well enough to leave the boat which means more than 2) and off we went to attend our first Liberian Pentecostal 3 hour church service. If you thought church services were long in the U.S., apparently liberian services last an average of 3-4 hours with no air conditioning!!! We walked about 40 minutes to attend church, we arrived a little early just to observe and make sure we weren't those people walking in late. Here is where the fun begins.....
Apporx. 10 minutes later I felt really sick and decided I couldn't make it through a 3 hour service. Well by the time I walked to the back of the church I quickly passed out! Yes the first time in my life that I passed out (I figure why not pass out in a third world country with nobody around). Than of course I left my mark by throwing up all over the back of the church while about 50 Africans looked at me scared because the "white girl" was sick.
So my friends called back to the ship for the medical team (they require us to carry a cell phone whenever we leave the ship), but there are no clear road signs in Liberia so communication as to how to reach us was a little hairy! But while we waited (about 15min.) the most amazing things were happening six Liberian women were standing around me fanning me, holding my hair back while I threw up, and praying over me. It was an amazing experience, that I would never like to repeat again, but I will never forget because of how generous and selflessly they treated me. From the experience I have had with the local Liberians thus far, I have found they are people of loving eyes and selfless hearts that have been deeply economically effected by a war torn country. It's amazing sometimes you think people are going to be completely different in other countries, but they aren't, they still love life, love God, and hope for better future. I pray and hope that Liberia's economic future is as generous and fruitful as the hearts of the people.
Ok but not to leave you hanging.... well they had to take me to the medical ward on a stretcher because I kept falling over while I was walking and about 4 hours later filled with 2 liters of IV fluid, 3 8oz glasses of water I was able to leave the ward, and return back to my 6x7 room. I couldn't really eat much for the next few days, but since then I have been drinking more water than I care too, and spending countless hours in the bathroom, but hey at least I stopped throwing up.
Apporx. 10 minutes later I felt really sick and decided I couldn't make it through a 3 hour service. Well by the time I walked to the back of the church I quickly passed out! Yes the first time in my life that I passed out (I figure why not pass out in a third world country with nobody around). Than of course I left my mark by throwing up all over the back of the church while about 50 Africans looked at me scared because the "white girl" was sick.
So my friends called back to the ship for the medical team (they require us to carry a cell phone whenever we leave the ship), but there are no clear road signs in Liberia so communication as to how to reach us was a little hairy! But while we waited (about 15min.) the most amazing things were happening six Liberian women were standing around me fanning me, holding my hair back while I threw up, and praying over me. It was an amazing experience, that I would never like to repeat again, but I will never forget because of how generous and selflessly they treated me. From the experience I have had with the local Liberians thus far, I have found they are people of loving eyes and selfless hearts that have been deeply economically effected by a war torn country. It's amazing sometimes you think people are going to be completely different in other countries, but they aren't, they still love life, love God, and hope for better future. I pray and hope that Liberia's economic future is as generous and fruitful as the hearts of the people.
Ok but not to leave you hanging.... well they had to take me to the medical ward on a stretcher because I kept falling over while I was walking and about 4 hours later filled with 2 liters of IV fluid, 3 8oz glasses of water I was able to leave the ward, and return back to my 6x7 room. I couldn't really eat much for the next few days, but since then I have been drinking more water than I care too, and spending countless hours in the bathroom, but hey at least I stopped throwing up.
Please notify us the first moment you're able to keep something in your body. THAT will be exciting. I have but one suggestion for your next entry. I love your posts, but each time I read them I find that I am doing it while eating lunch. It wouldn't be an issue except that you've given me very vivid visuals, and I have just about lost both of these lunches while reading. Let's keep the the next post free from mentioning any other bodily fluids, ok? For my sake?
Thank God the pentecostal were there to pray! ;) So sorry to hear about your puking ways. Hydration is key! Thanks for the stories of your African adventures...remember regular life is interesting! I especially love your #1/#2 strategy debrief. What are you eating on the boat (fully unrelated to the previous comment)? Have a great weekend on the Liberian scene. Let us know about your discoveries.
praying for you...
Seren, I love you to pieces! I'm glad you made it safely, now just stay safe. I will be checking on you from time to time. I will remember you in my prayers and hope that God richly blesses you!
Only you, Seren. What a story--it will be so funny in the future. Hopefully, there are not too many more adventures like that in the near future. I love reading your updates...keep them coming. That is awesome about the soccer team--do tell what happens "white girl." Love you bunches!!
Seren, sorry it has taken me so long to message, but I am a retard when it comes to computers! Im glad to hear that everything is coming along so well:) I miss you lots, and I am so proud of you, reading all of these entries has made me feel more comfortable about you being away, even though I know God is always watching.
Love you
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